THE GOD WE SERVE (Part 4: God is Not Dead)
Most people who claim to be Christians will obviously oppose such atheistic philosophers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Gabriel Vahanian, or A.T. Robinson who have all publicly written of God’s death by either science, technology, or philosophy. Many philosophers and scientists have joined in the chorus to sing the monotone notes that God is dead. While most still believe in Jehovah God, and many will openly worship God and teach the Bible, modern Christianity has in many ways made implications that God and His Word are either irrelevant, antiquated, or unrelatable. In this way, even those who claim to be believers put the biblical God to rest in their minds.
When those who claim to be Christians ignore scripture, they imply that the Word of God is not adequate. When they establish their own churches under the name of men and organize their assemblies through hierarchies or counsels, they imply that Christ’s church established in the first century is not relevant, or it no longer gives people what they need. When the traditions of men and edicts of counsels are obeyed and held in the same authority as God’s Word, such religious zealots have implied that God and His Word are no longer situated to direct mankind in the modern age. If people embrace unbiblical committees and doctrines, they imply the irrelevancy of God’s authority and inadequacy of God’s Word. Is God’s Word and God’s authority really dead in the modern age?
The fact that religious leaders and church pillars ignore God’s authority or contradict God’s Word does not mean that they will not be judged by God’s authority and His Word. Paul writes to the church in Corinth, “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad” (2 Cor. 5:10). “All” will appear before the judgment seat of “Christ”, not just those who believe in God and not the judgment seat of popular vote. In Paul’s sermon on God at Mars’ Hill, Paul explains why the pagans (those who do not believe in God) should repent and turn to God. Paul declares, “Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead” (Acts 17:31). Every person in this world should repent and turn to God (Acts 17:30), because all people will be judged by God’s authority and by what Christ declared in His ministry. If sinners ignore the scriptures that record the teachings of Christ, if new-age Christians who make their own churches neglect the original church that Christ established, then such people have no hope of salvation before God’s Judgment Day. God’s inspired author wrote, “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him” (Heb. 2:3).
In modern depictions of ancient gods, the once powerful beings wither in dominance and might because people do not believe in them anymore. When people started believing that civil government holds only the power that the majority gives them, this line of thinking transferred to the church and divinity. People began to believe that God’s power and influence hinged on whether people believed in Him or not. Politically correct discussions in religion demand that people tolerate and accept all ‘truths’ that people believe, implying that each person is judged by what he/she believes and not by an absolute authority. Jehovah God maintains power and rule over the earth despite how many people follow Him (Heb. 13:8; Mal. 3:6)!
In the days of Noah when there existed but one faithful family before God, the Almighty still had the power to destroy the whole world and start over with just His faithful few (Gen. 6-8). False gods lose their power when people stop believing in them, but the one true God will remain sovereign and judge over the world no matter what happens in the minds of men. Even if the world fizzles down to two faithful followers of God, Jehovah would still judge the world and determine its fate (Isa. 41:4; Rev. 22:13).
God will not judge the world based on how the individual has interpreted His Holy Word. The Word of God did not come by the interpretation of man, and it will not be upheld by the interpretation of man (2 Peter 1:20,21). If a couple thinks that God will not condemn them for their unlawful marriage because they do not believe their marriage is unlawful, then let them ask Herod Antipas what God’s prophet had to say about it (Matt. 14:1-12). God’s authority and God’s Word will and has remained relevant and authoritative despite those who try to ignore it, reinterpret it, or change it. God’s authority and Word are not DEAD!